How to Approach the Program Security Course

Overview #

This course aims to introduce you to a range of common security exploits unique to Solana development. We've modeled this course heavily on Coral's Sealevel Attacks repository.

Program security is covered in our Anchor and Native Rust development courses to ensure that anyone deploying programs to Mainnet has at least a basic understanding of security. Those courses should help you avoid some common Solana exploits on your own.

This course builds on those courses with two main goals:

  1. Expand your awareness of the Solana programming model and highlight areas where you need to focus to close security loopholes.
  2. Introduce you to the tools provided by Anchor to help keep your programs secure, and show native Rust users how to implement similar techniques on their own.

While the first few lessons in this course cover topics similar to those in the Anchor course or Program Security lesson in the Native Course, but as you progress, you'll encounter new types of attacks. We encourage you to explore all of them.


Unlike the lessons in other courses, which are in order, you are welcome to explore these lessons in whatever order suits you best.

Even though each security vulnerability may seem "simple," there's a lot to discuss. These lessons contain less prose and more code, ensuring you gain a solid understanding of the security risks discussed.

As always, your feedback is appreciated. Good luck as you delve into the course!