Get All Program Accounts using TypeScript

An RPC method that returns all accounts owned by a program. Currently pagination is not supported. Requests to getProgramAccounts should include the dataSlice and/or filters parameters to improve response time and return only intended results.

getProgramAccounts RPC Method #

The getProgramAccounts RPC method has the following syntax:

  • programId: string - Pubkey of the program to query, provided as a base58 encoded string
  • (optional) configOrCommitment: object - Configuration parameters containing the following optional fields:
    • (optional) commitment: string - State commitment
    • (optional) encoding: string - Encoding for account data, either: base58, base64, or jsonParsed. Note, web3js users should instead use getParsedProgramAccounts
    • (optional) dataSlice: object - Limit the returned account data based on:
      • offset: number - Number of bytes into account data to begin returning
      • length: number - Number of bytes of account data to return
    • (optional) filters: array - Filter results using the following filter objects:
      • memcmp: object - Match a series of bytes to account data:
        • offset: number - Number of bytes into account data to begin comparing
        • bytes: string - Data to match, as base58 encoded string limited to 129 bytes
      • dataSize: number - Compares the account data length with the provided data size
    • (optional) withContext: boolean - Wrap the result in an RpcResponse JSON object

Замечание #

By default getProgramAccounts will return an array of JSON objects with the following structure:

  • pubkey: string - The account pubkey as a base58 encoded string
  • account: object - a JSON object, with the following sub fields:
    • lamports: number, number of lamports assigned to the account
    • owner: string, The base58 encoded pubkey of the program the account has been assigned to
    • data: string | object - data associated with the account, either as encoded binary data or JSON format depending on the provided encoding parameter
    • executable: boolean, Indication if the account contains a program
    • rentEpoch: number, The epoch at which this account will next owe rent

Deep Dive #

getProgramAccounts is a versatile RPC method that returns all accounts owned by a program. We can use getProgramAccounts for a number of useful queries, such as finding:

  • All token accounts for a particular wallet
  • All token accounts for a particular mint (i.e. All JUP holders)
  • All custom accounts for a particular program (i.e. All Mango users)

Despite its usefulness, getProgramAccounts is often misunderstood due to its current constraints. Many of the queries supported by getProgramAccounts require RPC nodes to scan large sets of data. These scans are both memory and resource intensive. As a result, calls that are too frequent or too large in scope can result in connection timeouts. Furthermore, at the time of this writing, the getProgramAccounts endpoint does not support pagination. If the results of a query are too large, the response will be truncated.

To get around these current constraints, getProgramAccounts offers a number of useful parameters: namely, dataSlice and the filters options memcmp and dataSize. By providing combinations of these parameters, we can reduce the scope of our queries down to manageable and predictable sizes.

A common example of getProgramAccounts involves interacting with the SPL-Token Program. Requesting all accounts owned by the Token Program with a basic call would involve an enormous amount of data. By providing parameters, however, we can efficiently request just the data we intend to use.

filters #

The most common parameter to use with getProgramAccounts is the filters array. This array accepts two types of filters, dataSize and memcmp. Before
using either of these filters, we should be familiar with how the data we are requesting is laid out and serialized.

dataSize #

In the case of the Token Program, we can see that token accounts are 165 bytes in length. Specifically, a token account has eight different fields, with each field requiring a predictable number of bytes. We can visualize how this data is laid out using the below illustration.

Account SizeAccount Size

If we wanted to find all token accounts owned by our wallet address, we could add { dataSize: 165 } to our filters array to narrow the scope of our query to just accounts that are exactly 165 bytes in length. This alone, however, would be insufficient. We would also need to add a filter that looks for accounts owned by our address. We can achieve this with the memcmp filter.

memcmp #

The memcmp filter, or "memory comparison" filter, allows us to compare data at any field stored on our account. Specifically, we can query only for accounts that match a particular set of bytes at a particular position. memcmp requires two arguments:

  • offset: the position at which to begin comparing data. This position is
    measured in bytes and is expressed as an integer.
  • bytes: the data that should match the account's data. This is represented as
    a base-58 encoded string should be limited to less than 129 bytes.

It's important to note that memcmp will only return results that are an exact match on bytes. Currently, it does not support comparisons for values that are less than or greater than the bytes we provide.

In keeping with our Token Program example, we can amend our query to only return token accounts that are owned by our wallet address. When looking at a token account, we can see the first two fields stored on a token account are both pubkeys, and that each pubkey is 32 bytes in length. Given that owner is the second field, we should begin our memcmp at an offset of 32 bytes. From here, we'll be looking for accounts whose owner field matches our wallet address.

Account SizeAccount Size

We can invoke this query via the following example:

import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
(async () => {
  const MY_WALLET_ADDRESS = "FriELggez2Dy3phZeHHAdpcoEXkKQVkv6tx3zDtCVP8T";
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const accounts = await connection.getParsedProgramAccounts(
    TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, // new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA")
      filters: [
          dataSize: 165, // number of bytes
          memcmp: {
            offset: 32, // number of bytes
            bytes: MY_WALLET_ADDRESS, // base58 encoded string
    `Found ${accounts.length} token account(s) for wallet ${MY_WALLET_ADDRESS}: `,
  accounts.forEach((account, i) => {
      `-- Token Account Address ${i + 1}: ${account.pubkey.toString()} --`,
    console.log(`Mint: ${["parsed"]["info"]["mint"]}`);
      `Amount: ${["parsed"]["info"]["tokenAmount"]["uiAmount"]}`,

The output should look like:

    Found 2 token account(s) for wallet FriELggez2Dy3phZeHHAdpcoEXkKQVkv6tx3zDtCVP8T:
    -- Token Account Address 0:  H12yCcKLHFJFfohkeKiN8v3zgaLnUMwRcnJTyB4igAsy --
    Mint: CKKDsBT6KiT4GDKs3e39Ue9tDkhuGUKM3cC2a7pmV9YK
    Amount: 1
    -- Token Account Address 1:  Et3bNDxe2wP1yE5ao6mMvUByQUHg8nZTndpJNvfKLdCb --
    Mint: BUGuuhPsHpk8YZrL2GctsCtXGneL1gmT5zYb7eMHZDWf
    Amount: 3

dataSlice #

Outside of the two filter parameters, the third most common parameter for getProgramAccounts is dataSlice. Unlike the filters parameter, dataSlice will not reduce the number of accounts returned by a query. Instead, dataSlice will limit the amount of data for each account.

Much like memcmp, dataSlice accepts two arguments:

  • offset: The position (in number of bytes) at which to begin returning account data
  • length: The number of bytes which should be returned

dataSlice is particularly useful when we run queries on a large dataset but don't actually care about the account data itself. An example of this would be if we wanted to find the number of token accounts (i.e. number of token holders) for a particular token mint.

import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from "@solana/spl-token";
import { clusterApiUrl, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
(async () => {
  const MY_TOKEN_MINT_ADDRESS = "BUGuuhPsHpk8YZrL2GctsCtXGneL1gmT5zYb7eMHZDWf";
  const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
  const accounts = await connection.getProgramAccounts(
    TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, // new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA")
      dataSlice: {
        offset: 0, // number of bytes
        length: 0, // number of bytes
      filters: [
          dataSize: 165, // number of bytes
          memcmp: {
            offset: 0, // number of bytes
            bytes: MY_TOKEN_MINT_ADDRESS, // base58 encoded string
    `Found ${accounts.length} token account(s) for mint ${MY_TOKEN_MINT_ADDRESS}`,

The output should look like (notice the empty <Buffer > at

Found 3 token account(s) for mint BUGuuhPsHpk8YZrL2GctsCtXGneL1gmT5zYb7eMHZDWf
      account: {
        data: <Buffer >,
        executable: false,
        lamports: 2039280,
        owner: [PublicKey],
        rentEpoch: 228
      pubkey: PublicKey {
        _bn: <BN: a8aca7a3132e74db2ca37bfcd66f4450f4631a5464b62fffbd83c48ef814d8d7>
      account: {
        data: <Buffer >,
        executable: false,
        lamports: 2039280,
        owner: [PublicKey],
        rentEpoch: 228
      pubkey: PublicKey {
        _bn: <BN: ce3b7b906c2ff6c6b62dc4798136ec017611078443918b2fad1cadff3c2e0448>
      account: {
        data: <Buffer >,
        executable: false,
        lamports: 2039280,
        owner: [PublicKey],
        rentEpoch: 228
      pubkey: PublicKey {
        _bn: <BN: d4560e42cb24472b0e1203ff4b0079d6452b19367b701643fa4ac33e0501cb1>

By combining all three parameters (dataSlice, dataSize, and memcmp) we can limit the scope of our query and efficiently return only the data we're interested in.

Other Resources #