Program Derived Addresses (PDAs)

Summary #

  • A Program Derived Address (PDA) is derived from a program ID and an optional list of seeds
  • The program that derives PDAs owns and controls them.
  • PDA derivation provides a deterministic way to find data based on the seeds used for the derivation
  • Seeds can be used to map to the data stored in a separate PDA account
  • A program can sign instructions on behalf of the PDAs derived from its ID

Lesson #

What is a Program Derived Address? #

Program Derived Addresses (PDAs) are addresses that, instead of being public keys, are calculated (or 'found') based on a combination of:

  • The program ID
  • A set of "seeds" determined by the programmer.

More on this later, but these seeds will play a role in using PDAs for data storage and retrieval.

PDAs serve two main functions:

  1. Provide a deterministic way to find a given item of data for a program
  2. Authorize the program that owns a PDA to sign on the PDAs behalf, just like a user signs for their own account using their secret key.

This lesson will focus on using PDAs to find and store data. We'll discuss signing with a PDA more thoroughly in a future lesson, where we will cover Cross-Program Invocations (CPIs).

Finding PDAs #

Technically, PDAs are found or derived based on a program ID and one or more input seeds.

Unlike other Solana accounts, PDAs are not public keys and don't have secret keys. Since public keys are on Solana's Ed25519 curve, PDAs are sometimes called 'off curve addresses'.

PDAs are found using a hashing function that deterministically generates a PDA using the program ID and seeds. Both Solana frontend and backend code can determine an address using the program ID and seeds, and the same program with the same seeds always results in the same Program Derived Address.

Seeds #

"Seeds" are inputs in the find_program_address function. While you, the developer, determine the seeds to pass into the find_program_address method, find_program_address method adds an additional numeric seed called a bump seed that is used to ensure the address is off the Ed25519 curve, ie, is not a valid public key and does not have a corresponding secret key.

find_program_address uses a loop to calculate the off curve address, starting with the bump seed value 255 and checks if the output is a public key address (on the curve) or not a valid public key (off the curve). If an an off-curve address is not found, the method decrements the bump seed by subtracting one and tries again (255, 254, 253, et cetera). When the method finds a valid PDA, it returns the PDA and the canonical bump seed that derived it.

If the resulting PDA is on the Ed25519 curve, then an error PubkeyError::InvalidSeeds is returned.

A PDA allows a maximum of 16 seeds, with each seed limited to 32 bytes in length. If a seed exceeds this length or the number of seeds surpasses the limit, the system returns the error PubkeyError::MaxSeedLengthExceeded, indicating that the Length of the seed is too long for address generation. Developers commonly use static strings and public keys as seeds.

The PublicKey type has multiple methods that find a PDA within a Solana program:

  1. find_program_address
  2. try_find_program_address
  3. create_program_address

These methods takes an optional list of "seeds" and a program ID as inputs and can return the PDA and a bump seed or an error and a PDA.

1. find_program_address #

The source code for find_program_address:

pub fn find_program_address(seeds: &[&[u8]], program_id: &Pubkey) -> (Pubkey, u8) {
    Self::try_find_program_address(seeds, program_id)
        .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Unable to find a viable program address bump seed"))

Under the hood, the find_program_address method passes the input seeds and program_id to the try_find_program_address method.

2. try_find_program_address #

The try_find_program_address method then introduces the bump_seed. The bump_seed is a u8 variable with a value between 0 and 255. Iterating over a descending range starting from 255, a bump_seed is appended to the optional input seeds passed to the create_program_address method. If the output of create_program_address is not a valid PDA, the bump_seed is decreased by one and continues the loop until it finds a valid PDA.

pub fn try_find_program_address(seeds: &[&[u8]], program_id: &Pubkey) -> Option<(Pubkey, u8)> {
    let mut bump_seed = [u8::MAX];
    for _ in 0..u8::MAX {
            let mut seeds_with_bump = seeds.to_vec();
            match Self::create_program_address(&seeds_with_bump, program_id) {
                Ok(address) => return Some((address, bump_seed[0])),
                Err(PubkeyError::InvalidSeeds) => (),
                _ => break,
        bump_seed[0] -= 1;
    // ...

We can see that the try_find_program_address calls the create_program_address method.

pub fn try_find_program_address(seeds: &[&[u8]], program_id: &Pubkey) -> Option<(Pubkey, u8)> {
    // ...
    for _ in 0..std::u8::MAX {
            // `create_program_address` is called here
            match Self::create_program_address(&seeds_with_bump, program_id) {

3. create_program_address #

The create_program_address method performs a hashing operation over the seeds and program_id. These operations compute a key and verify whether it lies on the Ed25519 elliptic curve. If a valid PDA is found (i.e., an address that is off the curve), then either the PDA or an error is returned.

The source code for create_program_address:

pub fn create_program_address(seeds: &[&[u8]], program_id: &Pubkey) -> Result<Pubkey, PubkeyError> {
    if seeds.len() > MAX_SEEDS {
        return Err(PubkeyError::MaxSeedLengthExceeded);
    for seed in seeds.iter() {
        if seed.len() > MAX_SEED_LEN {
            return Err(PubkeyError::MaxSeedLengthExceeded);
    let mut hasher = crate::hash::Hasher::default();
    for seed in seeds.iter() {
    hasher.hashv(&[program_id.as_ref(), PDA_MARKER]);
    let hash = hasher.result();
    if bytes_are_curve_point(hash) {
        return Err(PubkeyError::InvalidSeeds);
    // ...

When an error occurs during the invocation of the find_program_address method, it's essential to handle it effectively. Though statistically improbable, the system returns the error Unable to find a viable program address bump seed whenever it finds a PDA that lies on the curve. The try_find_program_address method is used instead of panicking.

Locating a valid PDA off the Ed25519 curve can be time-consuming due to the iterations on the canonical bump seed. This operation can consume a variable amount of the program's compute budget. Developers can optimize the performance and lower the compute budget of programs by passing the bump_seed(also called the canonical bump), and the user-supplied seeds as part of the instruction data, and then deserialize the seed and canonical bump. These deserialized outputs can then be passed to the create_program_address method to derive the PDA. It's important to note that the create_program_address method incurs a fixed cost to the compute budget.

Address collisions can occur since the seeds are passed as a slice of bytes, meaning that the seeds {abcdef}, {abc, def} and {ab, cd, ef} will result in the same PDA being generated. In some cases, developers may wish to prevent collisions by adding separator characters like hyphens.

In summary, the find_program_address method passes the input seeds and program_id to the try_find_program_address method. The try_find_program_address method starts with a bump_seed of 255, adds it to the input seeds, and then repeatedly calls the create_program_address method until it finds a valid PDA. Once found, both the PDA and the bump_seed are returned.

Note that different valid bumps generate different valid PDAs for the same input seeds. The bump_seed returned by find_program_address will always be the first valid PDA found.

Using the canonical bump when generating a PDA onchain is crucial. Starting with a bump_seed value of 255 and iterating downward to 0 ensures that the returned seed will always be the most significant valid 8-bit value possible. This bump_seed is commonly known as the "canonical bump". It's a best practice always to use the canonical bump and validate every PDA passed into your program to ensure the integrity of the process.

One point to emphasize is that the find_program_address method only returns a Program-Derived Address and the bump seed used to derive it. The method does not initialize a new account, nor is any PDA returned by the method necessarily associated with an account that stores data.

Use PDA accounts to store data #

Solana programs are stateless, so state is stored in separate accounts from where the program's executable is stored. Although programs can use the System Program to create non-PDA accounts for data storage, PDAs are the choice for storing program-related data. This choice is popular because the seeds and canonical bump directly map to the same PDA, and the program specified as the program ID can sign on its behalf.

Program Derived Addresses (PDAs) are account keys only the program can sign on its behalf. During cross-program invocations, the program can "sign" for the key by calling invoke_signed and providing the same seeds used to generate the address, along with the calculated bump seed. The runtime then verifies that the program associated with the address is the caller and thus authorized to sign.

If you need a refresher on how to store data in PDAs, have a look at the State Management lesson.

Map to data stored in PDA accounts #

Storing data in PDA accounts is only half of the equation. Retrieving the data is the other half. We'll talk about two approaches:

  1. Creating a PDA "map" account that stores the addresses of various accounts where data is stored
  2. Strategically using seeds to locate the appropriate PDA accounts and retrieve the necessary data

Map to data using PDA "map" accounts #

For example, imagine a note-taking app where the underlying program generates PDA accounts using random seeds, with each account storing an individual note. Additionally, the program derives a single global PDA account, called the "map" account, using a static seed like "GLOBAL_MAPPING." This map account maintains a mapping of users' public keys to the list of PDAs where their notes are stored.

To retrieve a user's notes, a lookup of the map account is performed to check the list of addresses associated with a user's public key and retrieve the account for each address.

While such a solution is more approachable for traditional web developers, it has some drawbacks that are particular to web3 development. Since the map size stored in the map account will grow over time, each time you create a new note, you must either allocate more space than necessary when creating the account or reallocate space. Additionally, you will eventually reach the account size limit of 10 megabytes.

You can mitigate this issue to a certain degree by creating a separate map account for each user. For example, you can construct a PDA map account per user rather than having a single PDA map account for the entire program. These map accounts are with the user's public key. You can then store the addresses for each note inside the corresponding user's map account.

This approach reduces the size required for each map account but ultimately still adds an unnecessary requirement to the process: having to read the information on the map account before being able to find the accounts with the relevant note data.

There are instances where this approach is a viable choice for an application, but it should be different from the default or recommended strategy.

Map to data using PDA derivation #

If you're strategic about the seeds you use to derive PDAs, you can embed the required mappings into them. It is the natural evolution of the note-taking app example we just discussed. If you start to use the note creator's public key as a seed to create one map account per user, then why not use both the creator's public key and some other known piece of information to derive a PDA for the note?

We've been mapping seeds to accounts this entire course and have yet to discuss it explicitly. Think about the Movie Review program we've built in previous lessons. This program uses a review creator's public key and the title of the movie they're reviewing to find the address that should be used to store the review. This approach lets the program create a unique address for every new review while making it easy to locate a review when needed. When you want to find a user's review of "Spiderman", you can derive the PDA account's address using the user's public key and the text "Spiderman" as seeds.

let (pda, bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
    &[initializer.key.as_ref(), title.as_bytes().as_ref()],

Associated token account addresses #

Another practical example of this mapping type is determining associated token account (ATA) addresses. An ATA is an address used to hold the tokens for a specific account - for example, Jane's USDC account. The ATA address is derived using:

  • the wallet address of the user
  • the mint address of the token
  • the token program used - either the older token program or the newer token extensions program ID.
# ...
spl-token-2022 = "<latest_version_here>"
spl-associated-token-account = "<latest_version_here>"
// Get the token extensions program ID
let token2022_program = spl_token_2022::id();
let associated_token_address = spl_associated_token_account::get_associated_token_address_with_program_id(&wallet_address, &token_mint_address, &token2022_program);

Under the hood, the associated token address is a PDA found using the wallet_address, token_program_id, and token_mint_address as seeds, providing a deterministic way to find a token account associated with any wallet address for a specific token mint.

fn get_associated_token_address_and_bump_seed_internal(
    wallet_address: &Pubkey,
    token_mint_address: &Pubkey,
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    token_program_id: &Pubkey,
) -> (Pubkey, u8) {

The mappings between seeds and PDA accounts you use will depend highly on your specific program. While this isn't a lesson on system design or architecture, it's worth calling out a few guidelines:

  • Use seeds known at the time of PDA derivation
  • Be thoughtful about how you group data into a single account
  • Be thoughtful about the data structure used within each account
  • Simpler is usually better

Lab #

Let's practice with the Movie Review program we've worked on in previous lessons. No worries if you're jumping into this lesson without doing the last lesson - it should be possible to follow along either way.

As a refresher, the Movie Review program lets users create movie reviews. These reviews are stored in an account using a PDA derived from the initializer's public key and the movie title they are reviewing.

Previously, we finished implementing the ability to update a movie review securely. In this lab, we'll add the ability for users to comment on a movie review. We'll use building this feature as an opportunity to work through how to structure the comment storage using PDA accounts.

1. Get the starter code #

To begin, you can find the movie program starter code on the starter branch.

If you've been following along with the Movie Review labs, you'll notice that this is the program we've built out so far. Previously, we used Solana Playground to write, build, and deploy our code. In this lesson, we'll develop and deploy the program locally. Ensure that solana-test-validator is running.

Open the folder, then run cargo build-bpf to build the program. The cargo build-bpf command will output a shared library for deployment inside the ./target/deploy/ path.

The ./target/deploy/ directory contains the shared library in the format <program_name_in_snake_case>.so and the keypair that includes the public key of the program in the format <program_name_in_snake_case>-keypair.json.

cargo build-bpf

Deploy the program by copying the output of cargo build-bpf and running the solana program deploy command.

solana program deploy <PATH>

You can test the program by using the movie review frontend and updating the program ID with the one you've just deployed. Make sure you use the solution-update-reviews branch.

2. Plan out the account structure #

Adding comments means we must make a few decisions about storing the data associated with each comment. The criteria for a good structure here are:

  • Not overly complicated
  • Data is easily retrievable
  • Each comment has something to link it to the review it's associated with

To do this, we'll create two new account types:

  • Comment counter account
  • Comment account

There will be one comment counter account per review, and one account linked to each comment posted. The comment counter account will be linked to a given review by using the review's address as a seed for finding the comment counter PDA. It will also use the static string "comment" as a seed.

Link the comment account to a review in the same way. However, it will not include the "comment" string as a seed; instead, it will use the actual comment count as a seed. That way, the client can easily retrieve comments for a given review by doing the following:

  1. Read the data on the comment counter account to determine the number of comments on a review.
  2. Where n is the total number of comments on the review, loop n times. Each loop iteration will derive a PDA using the review address and the current number as seeds. The result is the n number of PDAs, each of which is the address of an account that stores a comment.
  3. Fetch the accounts for each of the n PDAs and read the stored data.

Every one of our accounts can be deterministically retrieved using data that is already known ahead of time.

To implement these changes, do the following:

  • Define structs to represent the comment counter and comment accounts
  • Update the existing MovieAccountState to contain a discriminator (more on this later)
  • Add an instruction variant to represent the add_comment instruction
  • Update the existing add_movie_review instruction processing function to include creating the comment counter account
  • Create a new add_comment instruction processing function

3. Define MovieCommentCounter and MovieComment structs #

Recall that the file defines the structs our program uses to populate the data field of a new account.

We'll need to define two new structs to enable commenting.

  1. MovieCommentCounter - to store a counter for the number of comments associated with a review
  2. MovieComment - to store data associated with each comment

Let's define the structs we'll be using for our program. We add a discriminator field to each struct, including the existing MovieAccountState. Since we now have multiple account types, we only need a way to fetch the account type we need from the client. This discriminator is a string that will filter through accounts when we fetch our program accounts.

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub struct MovieAccountState {
    pub discriminator: String,
    pub is_initialized: bool,
    pub reviewer: Pubkey,
    pub rating: u8,
    pub title: String,
    pub description: String,
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub struct MovieCommentCounter {
    pub discriminator: String,
    pub is_initialized: bool,
    pub counter: u64,
#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)]
pub struct MovieComment {
    pub discriminator: String,
    pub is_initialized: bool,
    pub review: Pubkey,
    pub commenter: Pubkey,
    pub comment: String,
    pub count: u64,
impl Sealed for MovieAccountState {}
impl IsInitialized for MovieAccountState {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {
impl IsInitialized for MovieCommentCounter {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {
impl IsInitialized for MovieComment {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {

Since we've added a new discriminator field to our existing struct, the account size calculation needs to change. Let's clean up some of our code. We'll add an implementation for each of the three structs above that adds a constant DISCRIMINATOR and either a constant SIZE or method get_account_size to quickly get the size needed when initializing an account.

impl MovieAccountState {
    pub const DISCRIMINATOR: &'static str = "review";
    pub fn get_account_size(title: String, description: String) -> usize {
        return (4 + MovieAccountState::DISCRIMINATOR.len())
            + 1
            + 1
            + (4 + title.len())
            + (4 + description.len());
impl MovieCommentCounter {
    pub const DISCRIMINATOR: &'static str = "counter";
    pub const SIZE: usize = (4 + MovieCommentCounter::DISCRIMINATOR.len()) + 1 + 8;
impl MovieComment {
    pub const DISCRIMINATOR: &'static str = "comment";
    pub fn get_account_size(comment: String) -> usize {
        return (4 + MovieComment::DISCRIMINATOR.len()) + 1 + 32 + 32 + (4 + comment.len()) + 8;

Now, we can use this implementation everywhere we need the discriminator or account size and not risk unintentional typos.

4. Create AddComment instruction #

Recall that the file defines the instructions our program will accept and how to deserialize the data for each. We need to add a new instruction variant for adding comments. Let's start by adding a new variant AddComment, to the MovieInstruction enum.

pub enum MovieInstruction {
    AddMovieReview {
        title: String,
        rating: u8,
        description: String,
    UpdateMovieReview {
        title: String,
        rating: u8,
        description: String,
    AddComment {
        comment: String,

Next, let's create a CommentPayload struct to represent the instruction data associated with this new instruction. Most of the data we'll include in the account are public keys associated with accounts passed into the program, so the only thing we need here is a single field to represent the comment text.

struct CommentPayload {
    comment: String,

Now, update the unpacking of the instruction data. Notice that we've moved the deserialization of instruction data into each matching case using the associated payload struct for each instruction.

impl MovieInstruction {
    pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
        let (&variant, rest) = input
        Ok(match variant {
            0 => {
                let payload = MovieReviewPayload::try_from_slice(rest).unwrap();
                Self::AddMovieReview {
                    title: payload.title,
                    rating: payload.rating,
                    description: payload.description,
            1 => {
                let payload = MovieReviewPayload::try_from_slice(rest).unwrap();
                Self::UpdateMovieReview {
                    title: payload.title,
                    rating: payload.rating,
                    description: payload.description,
            2 => {
                let payload = CommentPayload::try_from_slice(rest).unwrap();
                Self::AddComment {
                    comment: payload.comment,
            _ => return Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData),

Lastly, update the process_instruction function in to use our new instruction variant.

In, import the new structs from into scope.

use crate::state::{MovieAccountState, MovieCommentCounter, MovieComment};

Then in process_instruction, match our deserialized AddComment instruction data to the add_comment function we will be implementing shortly.

pub fn process_instruction(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    instruction_data: &[u8],
) -> ProgramResult {
    let instruction = MovieInstruction::unpack(instruction_data)?;
    match instruction {
        MovieInstruction::AddMovieReview {
        } => add_movie_review(program_id, accounts, title, rating, description),
        MovieInstruction::UpdateMovieReview {
        } => update_movie_review(program_id, accounts, title, rating, description),
        MovieInstruction::AddComment { comment } => add_comment(program_id, accounts, comment),

5. Update add_movie_review to create a comment counter account. #

Before implementing the add_comment function, we need to update the add_movie_review function to create the review's comment counter account.

Remember that this account will keep track of the total number of comments for an associated review. Its address will be a PDA derived using the movie review address and the word "comment" as seeds. Note that how we store the counter is simply a design choice. We could add a "counter" field to the original movie review account.

Within the add_movie_review function, let's add a pda_counter to represent the new counter account we'll be initializing along with the movie review account. Now, expect four accounts passed into the add_movie_review function through the accounts argument.

let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
let initializer = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pda_account = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let pda_counter = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

Next, there's a check to ensure total_len is less than 1000 bytes, but total_len is no longer accurate since we added the discriminator. Let's replace total_len with a call to MovieAccountState::get_account_size:

let account_len: usize = 1000;
if MovieAccountState::get_account_size(title.clone(), description.clone()) > account_len {
    msg!("Data length is larger than 1000 bytes");
    return Err(ReviewError::InvalidDataLength.into());

Remember to update the code within the update_movie_review function for that instruction to work correctly.

Once we've initialized the review account, we'll also need to update the account_data with the new fields we specified in the MovieAccountState struct.

account_data.discriminator = MovieAccountState::DISCRIMINATOR.to_string();
account_data.reviewer = *initializer.key;
account_data.title = title;
account_data.rating = rating;
account_data.description = description;
account_data.is_initialized = true;

Finally, let's add the logic to initialize the counter account within the add_movie_review function by:

  1. Calculating the rent exemption amount for the counter account
  2. Deriving the counter PDA using the review address and the string "comment" as seeds
  3. Invoking the system program to create the account
  4. Set the starting counter value
  5. Serialize the account data and return from the function

Add these steps to the end of the add_movie_review function before the Ok(()).

msg!("create comment counter");
let rent = Rent::get()?;
let counter_rent_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(MovieCommentCounter::SIZE);
let (counter, counter_bump) =
    Pubkey::find_program_address(&[pda.as_ref(), "comment".as_ref()], program_id);
if counter != *pda_counter.key {
    msg!("Invalid seeds for PDA");
    return Err(ProgramError::InvalidArgument);
    &[&[pda.as_ref(), "comment".as_ref(), &[counter_bump]]],
msg!("comment counter created");
let mut counter_data =
msg!("checking if counter account is already initialized");
if counter_data.is_initialized() {
    msg!("Account already initialized");
    return Err(ProgramError::AccountAlreadyInitialized);
counter_data.discriminator = MovieCommentCounter::DISCRIMINATOR.to_string();
counter_data.counter = 0;
counter_data.is_initialized = true;
msg!("comment count: {}", counter_data.counter);
counter_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;

The function initializes two accounts whenever it creates a new review:

  1. The first is the review account, which stores the review's contents. This is unchanged from the program's version we started with.
  2. The second account stores the counter for comments

6. Implement add_comment #

Finally, implement the add_comment function to create new comment accounts.

When creating a new comment for a review, the counter will be incremented on the comment counter PDA account, and the PDA for the comment account will be derived using the review address and current count.

Like other instruction processing functions, we'll start by iterating through accounts passed into the program. Then, before we do anything else, we need to deserialize the counter account, so we have access to the current comment count:

pub fn add_comment(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    comment: String,
) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Adding Comment...");
    msg!("Comment: {}", comment);
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let commenter = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_review = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_counter = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_comment = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut counter_data =

Now that we have access to the counter data, we can continue with the remaining steps:

  1. Calculate the rent-exempt amount for the new comment account
  2. Derive the PDA for the comment account using the review address and the current comment count as seeds
  3. Invoke the System Program to create the new comment account
  4. Set the appropriate values to the newly created account
  5. Serialize the account data and return from the method
pub fn add_comment(
    program_id: &Pubkey,
    accounts: &[AccountInfo],
    comment: String,
) -> ProgramResult {
    msg!("Adding Comment...");
    msg!("Comment: {}", comment);
    let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();
    let commenter = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_review = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_counter = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let pda_comment = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let system_program = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
    let mut counter_data =
    let account_len = MovieComment::get_account_size(comment.clone());
    let rent = Rent::get()?;
    let rent_lamports = rent.minimum_balance(account_len);
    let (pda, bump_seed) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
    if pda != *pda_comment.key {
        msg!("Invalid seeds for PDA");
        return Err(ReviewError::InvalidPDA.into());
    msg!("Created Comment Account");
    let mut comment_data =
    msg!("checking if comment account is already initialized");
    if comment_data.is_initialized() {
        msg!("Account already initialized");
        return Err(ProgramError::AccountAlreadyInitialized);
    comment_data.discriminator = MovieComment::DISCRIMINATOR.to_string(); = *pda_review.key;
    comment_data.commenter = *commenter.key;
    comment_data.comment = comment;
    comment_data.is_initialized = true;
    comment_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;
    msg!("Comment Count: {}", counter_data.counter);
    counter_data.counter += 1;
    counter_data.serialize(&mut &mut[..])?;

7. Build and deploy #

We're ready to build and deploy our program!

Build the updated program by running cargo build-bpf. Run the command solana program deploy <path-to-the-program> to deploy the program.

You can test your program by submitting a transaction with the correct instruction data. You can create your script or use this frontend. Be sure to use the solution-add-comments branch and replace the MOVIE_REVIEW_PROGRAM_ID in utils/constants.ts with your program's ID, or the frontend won't work with your program.

Remember that we made breaking changes to the review accounts (i.e., adding a discriminator). If you were to use the same program ID you've used before adding the discriminator when deploying this program, none of the reviews you created will show on this frontend due to a data mismatch.

If you need more time with this project to feel comfortable with these concepts, have a look at the solution code before continuing. Note that the solution code is on the solution-add-comments branch of the linked repository.

Challenge #

Now it's your turn to build something independently! Go ahead and work with the Student Intro program that we've used in past lessons. The Student Intro program is a Solana program that lets students introduce themselves. This program takes a user's name and a short message as the instruction_data and creates an account to store the data onchain. For this challenge, you should:

  1. Add an instruction allowing other users to reply to an intro
  2. Build and deploy the program locally

If you haven't been following along with past lessons or haven't saved your work from before, feel free to use the starter code on the starter branch of solana-student-intro-program.

Try to do this independently! If you get stuck, though, you can reference the solution code. Note that the solution code is on the solution-add-replies branch and that your code may look slightly different.

Completed the lab?

Push your code to GitHub and tell us what you thought of this lesson!