
In this section, we'll update the CRUD program from the previous PDA section to include Cross Program Invocations (CPIs). We'll modify the program to transfer SOL between accounts in the update and delete instructions, demonstrating how to interact with other programs (in this case, the System Program) from within our program.

The purpose of this section is to walk through the process of implementing CPIs in a Solana program using the Anchor framework, building upon the PDA concepts we explored in the previous section. For more details, refer to the Cross Program Invocation page.

Modify Update Instruction #

First, we'll implement a simple "pay-to-update" mechanism by modifying the Update struct and update function.

Begin by updating the lib.rs file to bring into scope items from the system_program module.

use anchor_lang::system_program::{transfer, Transfer};

Next, update the Update struct to include an additional account called vault_account. This account, controlled by our program, will receive SOL from a user when they update their message account.

    seeds = [b"vault", user.key().as_ref()],
pub vault_account: SystemAccount<'info>,

Next, implement the CPI logic in the update instruction to transfer 0.001 SOL from the user's account to the vault account.

let transfer_accounts = Transfer {
    from: ctx.accounts.user.to_account_info(),
    to: ctx.accounts.vault_account.to_account_info(),
let cpi_context = CpiContext::new(
transfer(cpi_context, 1_000_000)?;

Rebuild the program.


Modify Delete Instruction #

We'll now implement a "refund on delete" mechanism by modifying the Delete struct and delete function.

First, update the Delete struct to include the vault_account. This allows us to transfer any SOL in the vault back to the user when they close their message account.

    seeds = [b"vault", user.key().as_ref()],
pub vault_account: SystemAccount<'info>,

Also add the system_program as the CPI for the transfer requires invoking the System Program.

pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

Next, implement the CPI logic in the delete instruction to transfer SOL from the vault account back to the user's account.

let user_key = ctx.accounts.user.key();
let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] =
    &[&[b"vault", user_key.as_ref(), &[ctx.bumps.vault_account]]];
let transfer_accounts = Transfer {
    from: ctx.accounts.vault_account.to_account_info(),
    to: ctx.accounts.user.to_account_info(),
let cpi_context = CpiContext::new(
transfer(cpi_context, ctx.accounts.vault_account.lamports())?;

Note that we updated _ctx: Context<Delete> to ctx: Context<Delete> as we'll be using the context in the body of the function.

Rebuild the program.


Redeploy Program #

After making these changes, we need to redeploy our updated program. This ensures that our modified program is available for testing. On Solana, updating a program simply requires deploying the compiled program at the same program ID.


Update Test File #

Next, we'll update our anchor.test.ts file to include the new vault account in our instructions. This requires deriving the vault PDA and including it in our update and delete instruction calls.

Derive Vault PDA #

First, add the vault PDA derivation:

const [vaultPda, vaultBump] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
  [Buffer.from("vault"), wallet.publicKey.toBuffer()],

Modify Update Test #

Then, update the update instruction to include the vaultAccount.

const transactionSignature = await program.methods
    messageAccount: messagePda,
    vaultAccount: vaultPda,
  .rpc({ commitment: "confirmed" });

Modify Delete Test #

Then, update the delete instruction to include the vaultAccount.

const transactionSignature = await program.methods
    messageAccount: messagePda,
    vaultAccount: vaultPda,
  .rpc({ commitment: "confirmed" });

Rerun Test #

After making these changes, run the tests to ensure everything is working as expected:


You can then inspect the SolanFM links to view the transaction details, where you'll find the CPIs for the transfer instructions within the update and delete instructions.

Update CPIUpdate CPI

Delete CPIDelete CPI

If you encounter any errors, you can reference the final code.

Next Steps #

You've completed the Solana Quickstart guide! You've learned about accounts, transactions, PDAs, CPIs, and deployed your own programs.

Visit the Core Concepts pages for more comprehensive explanations of the topics covered in this guide.

Additional learning resources can be found on the Developer Resources page.

Explore More Examples #

If you prefer learning by example, check out the Program Examples Repository for a variety of example programs.

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